Reviews by David Grumett

Animal Theologians, ed. Andrew Linzey and Clair Linzey, The Expository Times 135, 8 (2024), 356–7.
Eugene Schlesinger, Salvation in Henri de Lubac: Divine Grace, Human Nature, and the Mystery of the Cross, Ecclesiology 20, 2 (2024), 242–4.
Robin Vose, The Index of Prohibited Books, Reviews in Religion and Theology 31, 1–2 (2024), 84–6.
Tobias Tanton, Corporeal Theology: Accommodating Theological Understanding to Embodied Thinkers, Reviews in Religion and Theology 31, 1–2 (2024), 78–80.

Louis M. Savary, Teilhard de Chardin on the Eucharist: Envisioning the Body of Christ, Modern Believing 64, 4 (2023), 488–9.
Stephen R. Shaver, Metaphors of Eucharistic Presence: Language, Cognition, and the Body and Blood of Christ, The Journal of Theological Studies 74, 1 (2023), 443–5.
Mary E. McGann, The Meal that Reconnects: Eucharistic Eating and the Global Food Crisis, Modern Believing 64, 3 (2023), 318–19.

T&T Handbook of Christian Ethics, ed. Tobias Winright, Theology 125, 5 (2022), 391–2.
Thomas Plant, The Lost Way to the Good, Theology 125, 3 (2022), 222–3.
C. Andrew Doyle, Embodied Liturgy: Virtual Reality and Liturgical Theology in Conversation, Ecclesiology 18, 2 (2022), 272–4.
Nicholas Wolterstorff, Acting Liturgically: Philosophical Reflections on Religious Practice, Ecclesiology 18, 1 (2022), 128–30.

Jordan Hillebert, Henri de Lubac and the Drama of Human Existence, Bulletin Association Internationale Cardinal Henri de Lubac 23 (2021), 87–90.
Anthony Bash, Remorse: A Christian Perspective, Theology 124, 6 (2021), 454–5.
Susan Kassman Sack, America's Teilhard: Christ and Hope in the 1960s, Reviews in Religion and Theology 28, 3 (2021), 321–4.
Kris Hiuser, Animals, Theology and the Incarnation, Modern Believing 62, 2 (2021), 184–5.

Maureen Junker-Kenny, Approaches to Theological Ethics: Sources, Traditions, Visions, Theology 123 (2020), 376–7.
Brett Salkeld, Transubstantiation: Theology, History, and Christian Unity, Ecclesiology 16, 3 (2020), 419–21.
The Ethical Case Against Animal Experiments, ed. Andrew Linzey and Clair Linzey, Studies in Christian Ethics 33, 3 (2020), 421–3.
Costly Communion: Ecumenical Initiative and Sacramental Strife in the Anglican Communion, ed. Mark D. Chapman and Jeremy Bonner Theology 123, 1 (2020), 51–2.
Christina Nellist, Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Animal Suffering, Studies in Christian Ethics 33, 2 (2020), 289–92.
Timothy T. N. Lim, Ecclesial Recognition with Hegelian Philosophy, Social Psychology & Continental Political Theory, Ecclesiology 16, 1 (2020), 137–9.

James M. Arcadi, An Incarnational Model of the Eucharist, Scottish Journal of Theology 72, 4 (2019), 437–8.
Karen O Donnell, Broken Bodies: The Eucharist, Mary, and the Body in Trauma Theology, Ecclesiology 15, 3 (2019), 377–9.
Victoria Raymer, The Bible in Worship: Proclamation, Encounter and Response, Ecclesiology 15, 3 (2019), 391–3.
Ursula King, Christ in All Things: Exploring Spirituality with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Modern Believing 60, 4 (2019), 392–4.
The Lambeth Conference: Theology, History, Polity and Purpose, ed. Paul Avis and Benjamin M. Guyer, Reviews in Religion and Theology 25, 3 (2019), 377–9.
Hannah M. Strømmen, Biblical Animality after Jacques Derrida, The Expository Times 130, 11 (2019), 517–18.
J. Todd Billings, Remembrance, Communion, and Hope: Rediscovering the Gospel at the Lord's Table, Modern Believing 90, 2 (2019), 91–2.

Andrew Bishop, Theosomnia: A Christian Theology of Sleep, Reviews in Religion and Theology 25, 4 (2018), 634–6.
Robert R. Williams, Hegel on the Proofs and the Personhood of God: Studies in Hegel's Logic and Philosophy of Religion, The Expository Times 129, 9 (2018), 448.
Zachary A. Matus, Franciscans and the Elixir of Life, Reviews in Religion and Theology 25, 2 (2018), 326–8.
Simon Francis Gaine, Did the Saviour See the Father? Christ, Salvation and the Vision of God, The Expository Times 129, 4 (2018), 183–4.
Eucharist and Ecclesiology: Essays in Honor of Dr. Everett Ferguson, ed. Wendell Willis, Ecclesiology 14 (2018), 110–12.

Christina M. Gschwandtner, Marion and Theology, The Expository Times 129, 3 (2017), 139.
Sarah Coakley and the Future of Systematic Theology, ed. Janice McRandal, Theology 120, 3 (2017), 234–6.
Orion Edgar, Things Seen and Unseen: The Logic of Incarnation in Merleau-Ponty's Metaphysics of Flesh, Reviews in Religion and Theology 24, 2 (2017), 273–5.
Andrew Shepherd, The Gift of the Other: Levinas, Derrida, and the Theology of Hospitality, Reviews in Religion and Theology 24, 2 (2017), 367–9.
Sarah Withrow King, Animals Are Not Ours (No Really, They re Not): An Evangelical Animal Liberation Theology, The Expository Times 128, 5 (2017), 251–2.
John Kiess, Hannah Arendt and Theology, Reviews in Religion and Theology 24, 1 (2017), 131–3.

Stanley Hauerwas, Approaching the End: Eschatological Reflections on Church, Politics, and Life, Scottish Journal of Theology 69, 4 (2016), 474–5.
Thomas Bremer, Cross and Kremlin: A Brief History of the Orthodox Church in Russia, The Expository Times 128, 3 (2016), 142.
Divinanimality: Animal Theory, Creaturely Theology, ed. Stephen D. Moore, Scottish Journal of Theology 69, 3 (2016), 341–2.
Joshua Furnal, Catholic Theology after Kierkegaard, Reviews in Religion and Theology 23, 4 (2016), 488–90.
Nicholas Bradbury, Practical Theology and Pierre-André Liégé: Radical Dominican and Vatican II Pioneer, Ecclesiology 12, 3 (2016), 398–400.
Receptions of Newman, ed. Frederick D. Aquino and Benjamin J. King, Reviews in Religion and Theology 22, 3 (2016), 249–52.
Bryan D. Spinks, Do This in Remembrance of Me: The Eucharist from the Early Church to the Present Day, Ecclesiology 12, 2 (2016), 245–7.
John Butler, Rock of Ages? The Changing Faces of the Christian God, The Expository Times, 127, 5 (2016), 249–50.
Andrew Dean Swafford, Nature and Grace: A New Approach to Thomistic Ressourcement, Modern Believing 57, 1 (2016), 95–7.

Jennifer R. Ayres, Good Food: Grounded Practical Theology, Studies in Christian Ethics 28, 4 (2015), 494–6.
Esther D. Reed, Theology for International Law, Ecclesiology, 11, 3 (2015), 387–9.
David John Ayotte, Globalization and Multicultural Ministry: A Teilhardian Vision, The Expository Times 126, 11 (2015), 555.
Rowan Williams, The Edge of Words: God and the Habits of Language, The Expository Times 126, 11 (2015), 568.
Stephen J. Plant, Taking Stock of Bonhoeffer: Studies in Biblical Interpretation and Ethics, The Expository Times, 126, 8 (2015), 391.
Robin Gill, A Textbook of Christian Ethics, fourth edition, The Expository Times 126, 7 (2015), 350.
Norman Wirzba, Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating, Utopian Studies 26, 1 (2015), 236–9.
Andrew Skotnicki, The Last Judgment: Christian Ethics in a Legal Culture, Ecclesiology 11, 1 (2015), 130–2.

Oliver O'Donovan, Self, World, and Time, The Expository Times 125, 11 (2014), 564.
Roger Mielke, Eschatologische Öffentlichkeit : Öffentlichkeit der Kirche und Politische Theologie im Werk von Erik Peterson, Reviews in Religion and Theology 21, 3 (2014), 370–2.
Stephen H. Webb, Jesus Christ, Eternal God: Heavenly Flesh and the Metaphysics of Matter, The Expository Times 125, 10 (2014), 503.
David P. Gushee, The Sacredness of Human Life: Why an Ancient Biblical Vision is Key to the World's Future, Theology 117, 2 (2014), 152–3.
Michael Sadgrove, Lost Sons: God's Long Search for Humanity, The Expository Times 125, 6 (2014), 286.

Robin Gill, Theology Shaped by Society, vol. 2: Sociological Theology, The Expository Times 124, 12 (2013), 608.
Walter D. Ray, Tasting Heaven on Earth: Worship in Sixth-Century Constantinople, The Expository Times 124, 11 (2013), 569.
Aidan Nichols, The Latin Clerk: The Life, Work, and Travels of Adrian Fortescue, Reviews in Religion and Theology 20, 2 (2013), 296–8.

Food and Faith in Christian Culture, ed. Ken Albala and Trudy Eden, Christian Scholar's Review 42, 1 (2012), 88–91.
Noel O Sullivan, Christ and Creation: Christology as the Key to Interpreting the Theology of Creation in the Works of Henri de Lubac, International Journal of Systematic Theology 14, 4 (2012), 480–2.
Jack Mahoney, Christianity in Evolution: An Exploration, Reviews in Religion and Theology 19, 4 (2012), 491–3.
John D. Zizioulas, The Eucharistic Communion and the World, ed. Luke Ben Tallon, Ecclesiology, 8, 2 (2012), 245–7.
Joseph Famerée and Gilles Routhier, Yves Congar, Ecclesiology 8, 2 (2012), 268–70.
Ivor J. Davidson and Murray A. Rae, God of Salvation: Soteriology in Theological Perspective, Theology 115, 1 (2012), 45–6.
William J. Meyer, Metaphysics and the Future of Theology: The Voice of Theology in Public Life, Ecclesiology 8, 1 (2012), 122–5.

Ilia Delio, The Emergent Christ: Exploring the Meaning of Catholic in an Evolutionary Universe, Reviews in Science and Religion 58 (November 2011), 38–42.
Oliva Blanchette, Maurice Blondel: A Philosophical Life, Modern Theology 27, 4 (2011), 708–12.
Walter Kasper, Die Liturgie der Kirche, Reviews in Religion and Theology 18, 4 (2011), 629–32.
Michael Sudduth, The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology, Theology 114, 880 (2011), 282–3.
Adam C. English, The Possibility of Christian Philosophy: Maurice Blondel at the Intersection of Theology and Philosophy, New Blackfriars 92, 1039 (2011), 380–1.
Jürgen Mettepenningen, Nouvelle Théologie, New Theology: Inheritor of Modernism, Precursor of Vatican II, New Blackfriars 92, 1037 (2011), 118–20.

Amy Marga, Karl Barth's Dialogue with Catholicism in Göttingen and Münster: Its Significance for his Doctrine of God, Journal of Reformed Theology 4, 3 (2010), 245–6.
Alejandro Garçia-Rivera, The Garden of God: A Theological Cosmology, Reviews in Science and Religion 55 (May 2010), 44–6.
Georges Chantraine, Henri de Lubac : les années de formation (1919 29), Reviews in Religion and Theology 17, 4 (2010), 631–3.
Mattijs Ploeger, Celebrating Church: Ecumenical Contributions to Liturgical Ecclesiology, Ecclesiology 6, 3 (2010), 385–7.
Hans Boersma, Nouvelle Théologie and Sacramental Ontology: A Return to Mystery, New Blackfriars 91, 1034 (2010), 483–4.
John Cottingham, Why Believe?, Theology 113, 874 (2010), 276–7.
Bryan C. Hollon, Everything is Sacred: Spiritual Exegesis in the Political Theology of Henri de Lubac, Modern Theology 26, 3 (2010), 478–80.
Mario Aguilar, Contemplating God, Changing the World, Theology 113, 872 (2010), 123–4.
Mark D. Chapman, Doing Good: Religion and Public Policy in Brown's Britain; and Robert W. Lovin, Christian Realism and the New Realities, Theology 113, 871 (2010), 49–50.

Henri de Lubac, Corpus Mysticum: The Eucharist and the Church in the Middle Ages, Ecclesiology 5, 3 (2009), 389–91.
Georges Chantraine, Henri de Lubac : de la naissance à la démobilisation (1896–1919), Reviews in Religion and Theology 16, 4 (2009), 622–4.
Patrice Boudignon, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin : sa vie, son oeuvre, sa réflexion, Reviews in Religion and Theology 16, 2 (2009), 300–2.

Ilia Delio, Christ in Evolution, Reviews in Science and Religion 52 (November 2008), 29–32.

Britain's Bomb: What Next?, ed. Brian Wicker, Theology 110, 858 (2007), 462–3.
Ingvild Saelid Gilhus, Animals, Gods and Humans: Changing Attitudes to Animals in Greek, Roman and Early Christian Ideas, Journal of the American Academy of Religion 75, 3 (2007), 712–15.
James R. Edwards, Is Jesus the Only Saviour?, Theology 110, 856 (2007), 293–4.
Metropolitan Cyril, L'évangile et la liberté : les valeurs de la tradition dans la société laïque, Ecclesiology 3, 3 (2007), 373–4.
C. C. Pecknold, Transforming Postliberal Theology; George Lindbeck, Pragmatism and Scripture, Theology 110, 853 (2007), 49–50.

Aidan Nichols, The Thought of Benedict XVI: An Introduction to the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger, Ecclesiology 2, 3 (2006), 377–9.
Deconstructing Radical Orthodoxy: Postmodern Theology, Rhetoric and Truth, ed. Wayne J. Hankey and Douglas Hedley, New Blackfriars 87, 1009 (2006), 322–3.
Le Christ de Maurice Blondel, ed. René Virgoulay, The Journal of Theological Studies 57, 1 (2006), 390–2.
John Milbank, The Suspended Middle: Henri de Lubac and the Debate Concerning the Supernatural, New Blackfriars 87, 1008 (2006), 198–9.

David Fergusson, Church, State and Civil Society, Reviews in Religion and Theology 12, 4 (2005), 564–6.
George Newlands, The Transformative Imagination: Rethinking Intercultural Theology, Reviews in Religion and Theology 12, 4 (2005), 568–70.
Peter Coleman and Michael Langford, Christian Attitudes to Marriage, Studies in Christian Ethics 18, 1 (2005), 122–6.
The Gestures of God: Explorations in Sacramentality, ed. Geoffrey Rowell and Christine Hall, Ecclesiology 1, 2 (2005), 114–16.

Jürgen Habermas, The Future of Human Nature, Philosophical Books 45, 4 (2004), 374–7.

In press/forthcoming

Jonathan M. Cahill, Emotions, Moral Formation and Christian Politics, Theology.
D. Stephen Long, On Teaching and Learning Christian Ethics, Theology.
Oliver O'Donovan, The Disappearance of Ethics, Theology.
Xavier Tilliette, The Eucharist in Modern Philosophy, Ecclesiology.
